Bride Wars
Hello everyone! WARNING!!! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!! I am back, and I want to say thank you to all of the messages that I have gotten from people that have been following the blog. I really appreciate everything! You have no idea. The month of October for me, to be honest, was a very hard month, but I am back!! One thing about planning a wedding is that everyone wants it to be their wedding and offer their opinions. However, at the end of the day, to all of the brides out there, IT IS YOUR WEDDING!! So today, I am claiming my wedding day, my decisions, and my happiness!! For all who want to join, I am so happy that you want to be apart of it, and for those who don't, I am happy with that too. This blog started off being a way that I could allow my family, friends, and new friends into my wedding day, and also, a way that I could express myself. I have allowed distractions and other's opinions to get in the way of something that I love doing, which is this blog and planning my wedding day. I have so many new friends, and this blog is really an outlet for me. So for the drama of October and anymore drama to come, Goodbye! I am focusing on my wedding day, and the happiness that awaits me today, tomorrow, and happily ever after!