Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our First Visit Together

This weekend was an extremely busy weekend. However, any moment spent with my fabulous fiance and my family is so worth it. This was the first time that my fabulous fiance had visited the very site that we will exchange vows and become husband and wife. He has now officially become a part of the wedding planning committee!! :) It was just exciting to have him there, so that he could start to get a feel of our upcoming nuptials next year. I can't believe how time is just flying by, but every day that goes by is a day closer to becoming a wife to my fabulous fiance, and I can't wait!!

Chris & I at the Biltmore for the 1st time together
Little sister, Mom, & Myself (The girls)


  1. You guys are so cute together!! :)

  2. Don't forget my wedding invite...lol

  3. Have a great wedding! I saw your blog on the Groomasaurus blogroll and keep stopping by. It can be stressful but, as you're probably seeing now, the stress is all worth it.

    Best Wishes
